Below is the step-by-step guideline for accessing your case list and accessing a case from the log in page.
Step 1: Logging In: Log into SIPS.
Step 2: Welcome Page: To navigate to the Your Case List screen, you have two options: click the green Go To Your Case List button under the Welcome heading, or select Your Case List in the upper-right corner. Both options lead to the same Your Case List page.
Step 3: View All Cases: Click on the green View All Cases button underneath the Your Case List heading.
Step 4: Your Case List: All your active cases will be displayed in a list format.
Step 5: Case Selection: Click on the case you would like to open up.
Step 6: Logout: To sign out of SIPS, click on the Sign Out heading that is located in the upper right-hand side of the screen.
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