09/02/2024 SIPS software update

On 09/02/2024 the following updates were released in SIPS:

What was updated:

  • The Social Security payout estimates were updated to align with the payout values published https://www.ssa.gov/oact/ProgData/ar_drc.html
  • SIPS now includes COLA adjustments to the estimated Social Security amounts during years of income deferment after a client turns 62 to more accurately estimate social security benefits that are modeled to be deferred and paid in the future.


Social Security Payout Values:

  • The amount of Social Security a client receives (benefit amount or “primary insurance amount”) is modified based on their normal retirement age (aka “full retirement age”) and the year they begin Social Security. 
  • A person can start Social Security as early as 62 years old. Their primary insurance amount is reduced for every month they start Social Security before their normal retirement age. 
  • For every year after normal retirement age that a client waits to begin Social Security, they receive a credit to their primary insurance amount. This credit caps at age 70. 
  • Info about payout values can be found at https://www.ssa.gov/oact/ProgData/ar_drc.html  

 Social Security Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA):

  • For every year the benefit is delayed after age 62, SIPS will apply a COLA to the Primary Insurance Amount or "PIA", and then any factors for early or delayed retirement are applied. 

How the updates impact existing plans in SIPS prior to the release on 09/02/2024:

  • Plans in SIPS prior to the release will not automatically receive these updates. If a user views plans and does not edit ClientDashboard->Incomes or click "Manage" under a Social Security Income on a Structured Income Planning screen for a scenario while in "Edit" mode, these updates will not be applied to existing plans. 
  • To Apply these updates, a SIPS user should first update the Social Security Income estimates by going to the Client Dashboard->Incomes and click the "Edit" and then "Save" buttons. Then the user should open the Structured Income Planning screen, select a scenario, click the "Edit" button, then click the  "Manage" button for a Social Security Income, then the "Save" button.

How the updates impact new plans created in SIPS after the release on 09/02/2024:

  • Any Social Security Income will use new factors
  • COLA will apply to any Social Security Income during the years of income deferral