Below is a step-by-step guideline for entering assets into the structured income plan.
Step 1: Edit: Click on the green edit button underneath the Assets subheading.
Step 2: Add Monetary Asset: Click on the green Add Monetary Asset button underneath the Asset subheading. If your client does not have any monetary asset, click on the green Add Property or the green Add Other Asset button to continue.
Step 3: Current Monetary Assets - Description: Type in the title for the monetary asset.
Step 4: Owner: Click on the drop-down carrot arrow and select the owner of the monetary asset account.
Step 5: Tax Qualification: Click on the drop-down carrot arrow and select the tax qualification of the monetary asset account.
Step 6: Risk Level/Allocation: The risk level is grayed out as it corresponds to the selected allocation level. Click the "Sel" button to choose the allocation level for the monetary account.
Step 7: Return: Enter in the percentage amount of the rate of return for the monetary account.
Step 8: Balance: Click on the balance text box and enter in the monetary amount. Repeat steps 2 through 8 if you have more than one monetary asset.
Step 9: Add Property: Click on the green Add Property button underneath the Assets subheading.
Step 10: Property List (home, rentals, land)-Description: Type in the title for the property.
Step 11: Value: Type in the monetary amount for the value.
Step 12: Amount Owed: Type in the monetary amount owed to the property if there is an amount owed. Repeat steps 10 through 12 if you have more than one property asset.
Step 13: Add Other Asset: Click on the green Add Other Asset button underneath the Assets subheading.
Step 14: Other Assets & Liabilities (boats, RV, collectibles) Description: Type in the title for the other assets.
Step 15: Value: Type in the monetary amount for the value.
Step 16: Amount Owed: Type in the monetary amount owed to the property if there is an amount owed. Repeat steps 14 through 16 if you have more than one property asset.
Step 17: Save: Click on the Green Save button underneath the Assets subheading.
Step 18: Edit: Click on the green Edit button underneath the Assets subheading if you need to make an edit.
Step 19: Delete: To delete an item, click on the green Del button located at the righthand side of the screen.
Step 20: Permanent Deletion: After clicking the green Del button, a dialog box will appear asking, "Are you sure you would like to permanently delete this recommendation?" Click OK to confirm the permanent deletion.
Step 21: Cancel: If you need to go back to the previous page, click on the green Cancel button underneath the Assets subheading.
Step 22: Create Planning Scenario: Click on the green Create Planning Scenario underneath the Assets subheading.
If you feel you need more support or would like to set up demo time with one of our representatives, please contact us at: +1-888-449-6917 or