
Below is a step-by-step guide for entering in the assets data into the assets page.


Step 1: Edit: To start the editing process click on the Edit Button.

Step 2: Add Monetary Asset: To start filtering in the monetary asset data click on the Add Monetary Asset Button.   If your client does not have any Monetary Asset data, click on the Add Property or Add Other Asset information to filter in the monetary data for those sections. 

Step 3: Current Monetary Assets; Description: Filter in the title you would like to use for the monetary asset.   Once done, tab over to the owner section.

Step 4: Owner: Click on the drop-down carrot icon and select the owner of the monetary asset account.   Select the owner of the account and then tab over to the tax qualification selection box.

Step 5: Tax Qualification: Click on the drop-down carrot icon and select the tax qualification of the monetary asset account.  Once done, tab over to the Allocation text box.

Step 6: Risk level/Allocation: The risk level is grayed out since it is in connection with the allocation level. Click on the Sel button and select the allocation level for the monetary account. Click on the Return text orange box when done.

Step 7: Return: Enter in the whole numeric number of the rate of return for the monetary account.   Once done tab over to the Balance text box.

Step 8: Balance: Click on the balance text box and enter in the whole number monetary amount in relation to the monetary account.

Step 9: Adding more Monetary Assets: If you have more than one monetary asset to filter in repeat steps 2 through 8. Once done click on the Add Property button to add property. 

Step 10: Add Property: When done with filtering in the monetary assets, click on the Add Property button to add property. If there are no property to add, click on the Add Other Assets button to add other assets.

Step 11: Property List (home, rentals, land); Description: Filter in the title you would like to use for the property list. Once done tab over to the Value text box.

Step 12: Value: Filter in the monetary amount for the value. Once done tab over to the Amount Owed text box.

Step 13: Amount owed: Filter in the monetary amount owed to the property.

Step 14: Adding more property: If your client has more than one property to filter in click on the Add Property button and repeat Steps 10 to Steps 12 to filter in the data. Once done click on the Add Other Asset Button.

Step 15: Add Other Asset: Click on the Add Other Asset Button to add other assets.

Step 16: Add Other Asset: Other Assets & Liabilities (boats, RV, collectibles); Description: Filter in the title you would like to use for the other assets. Once done, tab over to the Value text box.

Step 17: Value: Filter in the monetary amount for the value.   Once done tab into the Amount owed text box.

Step 18: Amount owed: Filter in the monetary amount owed to the other asset.

Step 19: Save: Once done filtering in all the information click Save.

Step 20: Edit: If you notice a mistake on any of the items, click Edit to start the editing process. If you need to delete an item, click the Del button to remove an item.

Step 21: Deleting an item: Once in edit mode and you need to delete an item select the Del to Delete an item. If you need to make a grammatical change, click in the text box, and correct the grammatical change within the text. After the grammatical change, click Save. If you need to delete an item follow step 22 and step 23.

Step 22: Permanent Deletion:   After clicking on the green Del button a text box will come up and ask, "Are you sure you would like to permanently delete this recommendation?” Click the OK button to permanently delete the item.

Step 23: Save: Once done click Save to save all the information that was entered in.

Step 24: Create Planning Scenario: Click on Create Planning Scenario to move to the next page, the Structured Income Plan.

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