Step 1: Initial Plan Date: This date represents the first day of the structured income plan.
Step 2: Scenario: This text box shows the scenario you are currently viewing. To switch scenarios, click the dropdown arrow and select a different one.
Step 3: Planning Horizon: This text box displays the timeline for the planning scenario. To adjust the timeline, click the dropdown arrow and select a timeframe.
Step 4: Calendar Year: The leftmost and rightmost columns represent the calendar years within the timeframe.
Step 5: Final Row: The final row indicates the last year of the planning horizon.
Step 6: Name and Age: This column displays the client’s name and age. The starting age represents the client’s current age, while the final row reflects the client’s age at the end of the planning horizon.
Step 7: Accounts: These columns represent the client’s monetary account information. They include the account title, the monetary balance, the yearly growth percentage, and the yearly income growth amount.
Step 8: Grayed out Accounts Section: The grayed-out section of the accounts represents the starting net amount, initial amount, bonus %, and the bonus amount.
Step 9: First Row of the Accounts Columns: The monetary amount in the first row represents the amounts of what the account will be at the end of the calendar year.
Step 10: First Row of the Account Income Column: The number in the row of the income represents if there was a deposit or withdrawal from the account. If the numeric value is in parenthesis, it represents a deposit. If the numeric amount has no parenthesis around it represents a withdrawal.
Step 11: Final Row of the Accounts Income Column: The numbers on the income section side of the accounts represents the sums of the incomes. If the number value is in (parenthesis), it represents a deposit. If the numeric amount has no parenthesis around it represents a withdrawal.
Step 12: Accounts Total: This column represents the combined monetary total of all accounts.
Step 13: Planned Distribution: This value represents the total funds added or withdrawn from the accounts in that year of the plan. Numbers in (parenthesis) indicate overall savings to accounts in that year, numbers not in parenthesis indicate a withdrawal from accounts in that year.
Step 14: Final Row of the Planned Distriburtion Column: This number represents the sum of all the yearly planned distributions. If the number value is in (parenthesis), it represents a deposit. If the numeric amount has no parenthesis around it represents a withdrawal.
Step 15: Client’s Wages: This column is part of the income section and represents the client’s yearly wage. The grayed-out section displays the inflation factor percentage for the yearly wage increase. The starting wage amount corresponds to the value entered on the income page. Similarly, the inflation factor percentage aligns with the percentage specified on the income page.
Step 16: First row of the Client's Wages Column: The number represents the end of the year wage.
Step 17: Second Row of the Client’s Wages Column: The number in the second row and on represents the end of the year client’s wages along with the inflation factor added to it.
Step 18: Last Row of the Wages Incomes Column: These numbers represent the sums of all wages amounts.
Step 19: Social Security: This column represents the Social Security distribution amount. The monetary amount begins at the retirement age specified in the client information section of the client dashboard. The inflation factor corresponds to the percentage entered in the income section of the client dashboard.
Step 20: First Row of the Client's Social Security Column: The number represents the end of the year wage of the social security.
Step 21: Second Row of the Client’s Social Security Column: The number in the second row and on represents the end of the year client’s social security along with the inflation factor added to it.
Step 22: Last Row of the Social Security Income Column: These numbers represent the sums of all the social security amounts.
Step 23: Expenses: Expenses are modeled like a negative income. If a number is in (parenthesis), it is an expense. If the number is zero it means that there was no expense in that year.
Step 24: Last Row of the Expenses Column: This number represents the sum of the expenses amount. If a number is in (parenthesis), it represents how much was withdrawn.
Step 25: Income Tax: This column represent the monetary and percentage amount of Income tax that would be paid in that year.
Step 26: Last Row of the Income Tax Column: This number represents the total income taxes paid over the plan horizon.
Step 27: After Tax Income Column: This column represents the after-tax income that the plan produced.
Step 28: Last Row of the After Tax Income Column: This number represents the total after-tax income produced over the plan horizon.
Step 29: After Tax Target Income Column: This column represents the after tax target income that the client would like to have.
Step 30: After Tax Target Income Infl Factor: This percentage amount represents how much percentage wise they target income will rise per year due to inflation.
Step 31: First Row of the After Tax Target Income Column: This number represents the year end of the after tax target income.
Step 32: Second Row of the After Tax Target Income Column: This number represent the year end of the after tax target income with the inflation percentage factored in.
Step 33: Last Row of the After Tax Target Income: This number represents the total after-tax income produced over the plan horizon.
Step 34: Income Gap: This column indicates whether there is a monetary difference between the target income and the actual income. If the numbers are in red this means there is a deficiency and the actual income is less than the target income. If the numbers are in green there is an excess which means the actual income exceeds the target income. If the number is zero (0) it means that the target income and the acutal income are equal. See the article Reaching the Target Income Goal Using the Make-Up Income Gap Based on Target Income Function for more information on how to resolve Income Gaps in your plan.
Step 35: Calendar Year: The leftmost and rightmost columns represent the calendar years within the timeframe. If you feel you need more support or would like to set up demo time with one of our representatives, please contact us at: +1-888-449-6917 or