Readjusting Target Income in Older Age Using the Target Adjustment Table

On the Structured Income Planning page, under the ‘Add Target’ function, there is an option to readjust the target income in older age using the target adjustment table. Below are the step by step guideline for readjusting target income in older age using the target adjustment table.

Step 1: Edit: Click on the green Edit button underneath the Structured Income Planning sub-heading.

Step 2: Add Target: Click on the green Add Target button underneath the Structured Income Planning sub heading.

Step 3: Target Name: Enter in Target Name.

Step 4: First Year Target Income: Enter in the numeric value for the first year. SIPS recognizes the dollar mark and commas.

Step 5: Inflation rate: Enter in the percentage amount.

Step 6: Target Description: Enter in a description.

Step 7: Save: Click on the green Save button underneath the Manage Target subheading.

Step 8: Structured Income Plan:  Two new columns have appeared in the structured income plan: the target income and the income gap.

Step 9: Income Gap: If the numbers are in green the total amount exceed the target income. If the numbers are in red the total numbers are below the target income.

Step 10: Manage: Click on the green Manage button within the Retirement Income column.

Step 11: Add Adjustment Text Box: Type in numeric number for the Target Income Adjustment. SIPS recognizes the dollar mark and commas.

Step 12: Year: Click on the year text box you would like the Target Income Adjustment to start.

Step 13: Pick Years: Click on the green Pick Years button.

Step 14: Clicking: After clicking on the Pick year(s)button, the number that was entered into the Add Adjustment Text Box should automatically appear in the Target Adjustment column.

Step 15: Repeat: Repeat steps 11 through 14 if you would like to add another Target adjustment.

Step 16: Save: Click on the green Save button underneath the Manage Target subheading.

Step 17: Structured Income Plan: The Retirement Income column should reflect the target adjustment numbers.

Step 18: Manage: Click on the green Manage button within the accounts column.

Step 19: Calculate Plan Withdrawals: Click on the radio button for Make-up income gap based on target income.

Step 20:  Income Data: Within the Income data table click on the Year text box that you would like to start the year for the rest of the plan.

Step 21: Start Years for Rest of Plan: Click on the green button Start Years for Rest of Plan.

Step 22: Clicking: After clicking on the Start Years for Rest of Plan button, the term "makeup" should automatically appear in the income column.

Step 23: Save: Click on the green button Save underneath the Manage Account subheading.

Step 24: Structured Income Planning Page: The Structured Income Planning should reflect the editing changes made to the account.

Step 25: Income Gap: If the column is clear and the numeric number is 0 this mean that the money withdrawn is equal to the target income.

Step 26: Saving the Structured Income Planning Scenario: Click the green Save button underneath the Structured Income Planning subheading.

Step 27: Edit: If you need to make an edit to the structured income plan click on the green edit button underneath the Structured Income Planning subheading.

Step 28: Cancel: If you need to go back to the previous page, click on the green Cancel button underneath the Structured Income Planning subheading.

Step 29: Logout: To sign out of SIPS, click on the Sign Out heading that is located in the upper right-hand side of the screen.If you feel you need more support or would like to set up demo time with one of our representatives, please contact us at: +1-888-449-6917 or