Adding a New Case

Below are the step-by-step guidelines for adding a basic new case into SIPS. Before entering a new case, ensure you have the necessary information, including the client’s demographic details (name and age) and financial data (income and assets). Detailed instructions for each specific page can be found in the client dashboard section.


Step 1: Logging In: Log into SIPS.

Step 2: Welcome Page: To navigate to the Your Case List screen, you have two options: click the green Go To Your Case List button under the Welcome heading, or select Your Case List in the upper-right corner. Both options lead to the same Your Case List page.

Step 3: Add Case: Click on the green Add Case button underneath the Your Case List subheading.

Step 4: Client Information Text Boxes: The yellow shaded text boxes are mandatory to fill out to move to the next step. Enter in the information for the text boxes.

Step 5: Add Beneficiary: Click on the green Add Beneficiary button underneath the Client Information subheading if the client has beneficiaries.

Step 6: List Clients Beneficiaries (optional): Enter in the name of the beneficiaries.

Step 7: Save: Click on the green save button underneath the Client Information subheading.

Step 8: Goto Incomes: Click on the green GoTo Incomes underneath the Client Information subheading.

Step 9: Edit: Click on the green Edit button underneath the Incomes subheading.

Step 10: Amounts Radio Buttons: Select which amounts you will be using, the default is set at yearly amounts.

Step 11: Wages/Income:  If your client is employed, enter their wage/income information. SIPS accepts commas and dollar symbols. The yellow-shaded text boxes are mandatory and must be completed to proceed to the next step. If your client is not employed, skip to the Social Security section. 

Step 12: Social Security: For projected benefits, you can enter in one amount per age. If the client is already retired, input their benefit amounts. The yellow-shaded text boxes are mandatory and must be completed to proceed to the next step.

Step 13: Pensions: If your client will receive a pension, enter the relevant information. The yellow-shaded text boxes are mandatory and must be completed to proceed to the next step.

Step 14: Save: Click on the green Save button underneath the Incomes subheading.

Step 15: Goto Assets: Click on the green GoTo Assets button underneath the Incomes subheading.

Step 16: Edit: Click on the green Edit button underneath the Assets subheading.

Step 17: Add Monetary Assets: Click on the green Add monetary Assets button underneath the Assets subheading.

Step 18: Current Monetary Assets: Enter in the data.

Step 19: Add Monetary Asset: Repeat step 18 if your client has more than one monetary asset.

Step 20: Save: Click on the green Save button underneath the Assets subheading.

Step 21: Create Planning Scenario: Click on the green Create Planning Scenario button underneath the Assets subheading.

Step 22: Structured Income Planning Page: The Structured Income Planning should reflect the editing changes made to the account.

Step 23: Log Out: To log out of SIPS click on the Sign Out heading that is located in the upper righthand side of the screen.

If you feel you need more support or would like to set up demo time with one of our representatives, please contact us at: +1-888-449-6917 or