Adding An Allocation Code

From the settings page you have the ability to add an allocation code if you are at administrator status. Below are the step-by-step guidelines for adding an allocation code starting from the login page.

Step 1: Log In: Log in into SIPS.

Step 2: Settings: Click on the settings button located on the right-hand side of your screen.

Step 3: Allocation Codes: Click on the Allocation codes button on the right-hand side of the screen.

Step 4: Add Allocation Code: Click on the green Add Allocation Code underneath the Allocation Code List heading.

Step 5: Code: Enter in Code Name.

Step 6: Sel: Select a color.

Step 7: Default %: Select default percentage.

Step 8: Maximum %: Select maximum percentage.

Step 9: Risk Level Dropdown Caret Arrow: In the Risk level text box select the drop down caret arrow and select a risk level.

Step 10: Save: Click on the green Save button underneath the Allocation Code List heading.

Step 12: Allocation Code List: The new allocation code should be added to the list.If you feel you need more support or would like to set up demo time with one of our representatives, please contact us at: +1-888-449-6917 or