How to read a basic structured income plan

Below is a step-by-step explanation of how to read a basic structured income plan. This is starting from left to right.


Step 1: Year: The left and right column correlates with the planning horizon timeframe. The grayed out section is the current year. The last line reflects the last year of the planning horizon timeline.

Step 2: Planning Horizon Timeline:  If you would like to change the planning horizon timeframe, click on the down carrot arrow and select the year you would like to choose. The default planning horizon timeline is set at 16 years. The options are in a four year incriments starting with the 16 year timeline. The longest time line is 40 years.  

Step 3: Name and Age: This column correlates with the client’s name and the age of the client. The start age is the current age of the client, the last column reflects the age of the client at that planning horizon timeline.

Step 4: Accounts: This column correlates with the clients monetary account information. It shows the clients title for the account, the monetary amount in the account, the account yearly growth percentage and the yearly income amount growth. The grayed-out amount is the monetary start of the current year. The last line in the column is the projected monetary amounts in the column.

Step 5: Accounts Total: This column represents the sum monetary amount of all the accounts combined together. The grayed-out section represents how much of a monetary amount the client has currently. The line at the end of the table represents the projected monetary amount at the end of the timeline horizon.

Step 6: Planned Distribution: This column represents the monetary target income amount each year for the client. It is also the subtotal of the account’s income.

Step 7: Client’s Wages: This column is part of the income section. This column represents the client’s yearly wage. The grayed-out section has the inflation factor percentage of the yearly wage increase. The numeric amount of the starting wage correlates with the numeric number that was filtered in for the wages on the income page. The inflation factor is the same percentage that was filtered in on the income page. 

Step 8: Social Security: This column represents the social security distribution amount. The monetary numeric amount does not start until the retirement age that was specified on the client information in the client dashboard section. The inflation factor correlates with the numeric percentage amount that was filtered in the incomes section of the client dashboard.

Step 9: Total Income: This column represents that sum numeric amount of the total incomes combined. 

Step 10: Year: This column correlates with the year column that is at the left hand side of the structured income plan. 

Note: At the very bottom of the structured income plan is the numeric sum of all the wages, social security, and total incomes.

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