Within the Structured Income Planning page there is a capability for manually entering in an annuity plan. Below are the step by step guidelines for manually entering in an annuity plan.
Step 1: Edit: Click on the green edit button underneath the structured income planning subheading title.
Step 2: Add Account: Click on the green add account button underneath the structured income planning subheading.
Step 3: Account Name: Type in the account name.
Step 4: Initial Account Balance: Type in the monetary amount for the annuity.
Step 5: Hypothetical Return: Type in the monetary number for the hypothetical return.
Step 6: Bonus: Type in the monetary number for the bonus that aligns with the annuity and income rider.
Step 7: Tax Calculation Option: Click on the drop-down carrot arrow in the text box and select the tax calculation option.
Step 8: Sel: Click on the green Sel button next to the text box for the asset plan allocation and select the asset plan allocation.
Step 9: Account Owner: Click on the drop-down carrot arrow and select the account owner.
Step 10: Account Type: Click on the drop-down carrot arrow and select account type.
Step 11: Add an Income Rider: Click on which radio button the client has an annuity for.
Step 12: Enter Manual Payout: Click on text box.
Step 13: Rider Payout Value: Type in monetary amount in the text box.
Step 14: Rider Payout Increase: Type in monetary percentage into the text box.
Step 15: Number of months of payout in first year: Type in the monetary number for the months. The default is set to 12.
Step 16: Structured Income Type: Select the radio button for Income Riders: Start payout from income rider.
Step 17: Income Data: Click on the text box for which year you would like the Income data to start on.
Step 18: Start Year for Rest of Plan: Click on the green Start year for rest of plan button next to the Income Data Table.
Step 19: Save: Click on the green Save button underneath the Manage Account Subheading.
Step 20: Structured Income Plan: A new column of income should appear in the structured income plan.
Step 21: Saving the Structured Income Planning Scenario: Click the green Save button underneath the Structured Income Planning subheading.
Step 22: Edit: If you need to make an edit to the structured income plan click on the green edit button underneath the Structured Income Planning subheading.
Step 23: Cancel: If you need to go back to the previous page, click on the green Cancel button underneath the Structured Income Planning subheading.
Step 24: Logout: To sign out of SIPS, click on the Sign Out heading that is located in the upper right-hand side of the screen.
If you feel you need more support or would like to set up demo time with one of our representatives, please contact us at: +1-888-449-6917 or support@planscout.com.