New Articles

  1. Removing an Individual Item on the Manage Scenario Page

    Within the structured income plan, you can remove an individual account, income, target, and tax from the manage scenario page. Below is a step-by-step guide for removing an individual item.   Step 1: Edit: Click on the green Edit button un...
  2. Replicating an Existing Account and Income Item

    Within the structured income plan, you can replicate/copy an individual account and income from the manage scenario page. Below is a step-by-step guide for replicating/copy and individual account and/or income.   Step 1: Edit: Click on the ...
  3. The Replicate Button on the Manage Scenario Page

    The function of the replicate button on the manage scenario page is to replicate/copy an existing account, income, target, and/or tax from another scenario into the current scenario you are working in. When you add the new items into the current ...
  4. Replicating a Current Individual Account and Income Item

    Under the manage scenario page you can replicate current accounts and incomes that are being used in the current scenarios you are viewing. Below are the step-by-step guidelines for this option.   Step 1: Pick the Account: Under the account...
  5. 09/02/2024 SIPS software update

    On 09/02/2024 the following updates were released in SIPS: What was updated: The Social Security payout estimates were updated to align with the payout values published SIPS now includes COLA a...
  6. The Common Button on the Manage Scenario Page

    The function of the common button on the manage scenario page is to add an existing account, income, target, and/or tax from another scenario into the current scenario you are working in. When you add the new items into the current scenario and y...
  7. Adding an Income to the Structured Income Plan

    The add income button within the structured income plan allows you to add another income into the structured income plan. Below are the step-by-step guidelines to adding another income into the structured income plan. Step 1: Edit: Click on...
  8. The New Button Function on the Manage Scenario Page

    Under the manage scenario page underneath the edit or add scenario subsection, you can add a new account and income into the structured income plan. Below are the step by step guidelines for adding  an account and/or income from the manage scenar...
  9. Create New Scenario As

    Within the structured income plan you can create a new scenario by replicating the accounts and incomes from previous scenarios under the create new scenario function.   Step 1: Edit: Click on the green Edit button underneath the Structured...
  10. Delete Current Scenario

    Within the structured income plan you can delete current scenarios. Below is a step-by-step guide for deleting a current scenario.   Step 1: Edit: Click on the green Edit button underneath the Structured Income Planning sub-heading. ...