Popular Articles

  1. Disclosure

    This page in SIPS states what the disclosure policy is for SIPS when running a hypothetical report. This text also correlates with cover page text when running the report feature. This documentation cannot be edited. Below are the step by step gu...
  2. Changing the Order of the Account and Incomes on the Structured Income Planning Page

    Within the structured income plan you can change the order of the accounts and income that are shown.   Below is a step-by-step guide for changing the order of the accounts and income on the structured income plan.   Step 1: Edit: Click on ...
  3. Create New Scenario As

    Within the structured income plan you can create a new scenario by replicating the accounts and incomes from previous scenarios under the create new scenario function.   Step 1: Edit: Click on the green Edit button underneath the Structured...
  4. Replicating a Current Individual Account and Income Item

    Under the manage scenario page you can replicate current accounts and incomes that are being used in the current scenarios you are viewing. Below are the step-by-step guidelines for this option.   Step 1: Pick the Account: Under the account...
  5. Editing the Years of Distribution Through the Income Adjustment Table on the Manage Income Page

    Within the Income Adjustment table on the Manage Income page, you can edit the timeframe for how many years you can have the income be distributed. Below are the step-by-step guidelines for editing how many years you can have an income be distrib...
  6. Adding Deposits into an Existing Checking/Savings Account in the Structured Income Plan Using the Annual Percentage Withdrawal Function

    There are different ways to show deposits into a checking/savings account. Below is the step-by-step guideline for adding a deposit into a checking/savings account using the annual fixed withdrawal function.   Step 1: Edit: Click on the gre...
  7. Assets

    Below is a step-by-step guide for entering in the assets data into the assets page.   Step 1: Edit: To start the editing process click on the Edit Button. Step 2: Add Monetary Asset: To start filtering in the monetary asset ...
  8. Annual Fixed Withdrawal Function

    On the structured income planinng page, you have the ability to show deposits or withdrawals from the accounts on the structured income plan. There are multiple ways to do these functions. Below is a step-by-step guide for depositing and/or withd...
  9. Liquidating an Account

    An option to withdrawal money from an account is through the process of liquidating an account. Within the Structured Income Planning page, you can create your own liquidation plan for the accounts. Below are the step-by-step instructions on how ...
  10. Annual Percentage Withdrawal Function

    On the structured income planinng page, you have the ability to show deposits or withdrawals from the accounts on the structured income plan. There are multiple ways to do these functions. Below is a step-by-step guide for depositing and/or withd...